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2021-2022 SZN

2021-2022 NFL/NCAAF

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Season Recap 

Dear valued members of TeamWise,


We made it through another year and I want to thank each and every one who put their trust in me this season and seasons past, thank you for sticking with me through this journey.   


Well folks, not quite the result we were all hoping for.  I had a goal this season to exceed the 202u we made last season, instead, we fell way short to end at +20u.  This was an up and down, roller coaster of a season and there was definitely a good amount of volatility.  Some people will say it was bad BR management on my part, I say we went for the jugular with house money, and that "Fortune Favours the Bold".


Could I have gone conservative after having been up close to 100u twice in the season?  Yea maybe, but that's never been my style, I just stay true to who I am.  When the BR grows, we will take some heavy shots on what I think will give us the best chance to win.  However, it doesn't always work out.  Had it been the other way around, this could have been the most productive football season of all.


We did close out the season on a 5-0 run sweeping the Super Bowl and the Conference Championships and we'll take that momentum into the next season.  Looking forward to another year with you.  Thank you for your trust, confidence, loyalty, and the opportunity to be of service, it was a pleasure and an honor!











How I conduct my business: 


"I respond to each and every single question, and I treat everyone with respect and courtesy.  I work innumerable hours,  working hard to find an edge and get us in good.  Furthermore, I will go as far as getting tickets when placing them online (through an app/website) would be much more convenient.  But instead, I'll put in the extra effort to prove to you that what I do is true and undeniable through pictures of the cash and paper tickets.  My money, my Skin in the game, where my mouth is at, in the trenches, and shoulder to shoulder with you. The way I go about my business is done in an effort to promote long-lasting relationships with my clients through constant proof, honesty, transparency, accountability, respect, AND always putting my money on the counter with yours.


I've come to know many of you through the ups and downs that we endured together. In addition, it's not just the sports chats; I've come to know many of you through other matters of importance such as your personal life (your experiences, where you're from, where you've been, where you're going, your family, careers, goals, aspirations). 

To know you better and understand why you've come here to join me in this endeavor is very important to me. Hence, I have been privileged to know many of you on a more personal level and I hope to continue these relationships!"






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